We help make companies more profitable through decreased climate impact and concrete sustainability efforts

Our capabilities


Achi­eving sustai­nable business with low climate impact


Analyzing corporate climate, envi­ron­mental and sustai­na­bility efforts


Influ­encing public opinion through stra­tegic commu­ni­cation and public relations


In order to work stra­te­gi­cally, an overview of stake­holders and factors which affect the business is impe­rative. 2050 has long expe­rience from deve­loping reports and studies describing markets, trends, legis­lation etc., and analyzing the effects on specific companies or the business community.

We have in-depth expertise in areas such as fuels, energy, trans­por­tation, public transport, chemicals, procu­rement and policy issues, with a focus on the envi­ron­mental aspects, and we can produce reports tailored to these purposes.

Read the latest posts on our blog
“The 2050 blog”

Find out how we can help you
Get to know our employees

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Contact us

Send an e‑mail to info@2050.se or contact one of our employees.
Contact infor­mation is listed under the Employees section.

Postal adress: Skeppsbron 32, 111 30, Stockholm

Visiting adress: Skeppsbron 32, 3 tr

Get in contact with us at info@2050.se or reach out to one of our coworkers. Their contact information is listed under about 2050.

Address for visit


Skeppsbron 32, 3 tr,
111 30 Stockholm


Gjute­ri­gatan 1,
582 73 Linköping


Stora Varvs­gatan 11,
SE-211 19 Malmö


Drott­ning­gatan 25,
411 14 Göteborg