
We help enter­prises and orga­ni­za­tions, which have a true ambition to really contribute to less effect on the envi­ronment and climate, to commu­nicate both exter­nally and internally

We are experts in communication with focus on climate, the environment and sustainability. Our guiding word for communication is honesty and we only work with assignments that contributes to a sustainable development. We work in the fields of politics, science and business to create new sustainable business opportunities for our clients. This means that we help our clients in their work for creating publicity, public affairs and moulding of public opinion.

We help enter­prises and orga­ni­za­tions, which have a true ambition to really contribute to less effect on the envi­ronment and climate, to commu­nicate both exter­nally and inter­nally. We offer a holistic approach to commu­ni­cation and the impact on society and we work with both stra­tegic, long-term advice on commu­ni­cation and ad hoc contri­bution. We can assist with business intel­li­gence, to manage media contacts and to commu­nicate messages/statements.

We also put the company or the orga­ni­zation into a broader context. We analyze, inter alia, how relevant poli­tical deci­sions affect our clients and we explain how the poli­tical decision-making works. We assist with advice about public affairs and moulding of public opinion.


Public affairs

The political context is complex and political decisions affect society, enterprises and organizations in many ways.

We explain the process of poli­tical decision-making and assist in the work of creating ideas and proposals that are poli­ti­cally relevant. We offer advice about when, where, how and towards whom a dialogue and effort to influence could be of impor­tance. We only accept assign­ments of public affairs that contri­butes to a better climate and envi­ronment – and increased sustainability.


Moulding of public opinion is necessary to influence the public opinion and different actors of impor­tance for issues regarding climate, the envi­ronment and increased sustai­na­bility. Moulding of public opinion can also be about the impor­tance of influ­encing specific target groups. We help you to parti­cipate and to be heard in the public debate or to carry through campaigns with a specific message, inter alia through social media.


Media relations and PR

We also offer lectures for inspiration within PR, moulding of public opinion and social media – to help you successfully reach out with your message.

The enter­prises and orga­ni­za­tions that take their respon­si­bility within sustai­na­bility issues and work for a concrete decrease of effects on climate and the envi­ronment, have everything to gain from a strong commu­ni­cation about their work.

To reach out with your message about your work with climate, the envi­ronment and sustai­na­bility, it is necessary to work syste­ma­ti­cally and regu­larly with publicity. We offer both analyses of the present situ­ation, stra­tegic advice and assist you with:

  • media- and business intelligence
  • PR plan
  • press releases and debate articles
  • social media
  • news­letters
  • Q & A´s
  • ques­tionnaires and evalu­a­tions of commu­ni­cation activities

Media training

To make a strong appearance and reach out with your message within climate, the environment and sustainability, you need to practice. We offer coaching before appearances if you are going to be a moderator, participate in a debate, an interview or hold a speech.

Events and campaigns

One offer to efficiently high light an issue concerning climate and the environment is to arrange an event or a campaign. We assist with the planning of, and the realization and evaluation of, inter alia, campaigns, seminars and breakfast meetings.

Moderator and lecturer

We can offer our most experienced moderators and lecturers who are in great demand for various occasions where they lead seminars, debates, talks and workshops.

Markus Ekelund, CEO and partner, 2050.

Malin Forsgren, senior consultant, 2050.

Nina Ekelund, senior consultant and partner, 2050.

Mikael Karlsson, senior consultant and partner, 2050.

Internal communication

We offer advice concerning how your work with climate, the environment and sustainability can be communicated internally and how the external communication is linked to the internal. Storytelling, the story about the values and the vision of the company or the organization is becoming more and more important.

The enter­prises and orga­ni­za­tions, which take their respon­si­bility and have a true ambition to really contribute to less effect on the envi­ronment and climate, have everything to gain on commu­nicate what they do – both exter­nally and inter­nally. Employees that are proud of, and engaged in the company, are the best ambas­sadors for both the trademark and the place of work/employment.



We are convinced that widespread cooperation is crucial for the necessary transformation towards a sustainable society. Many voices are stronger than one. Therefore 2050 run networks related to climate, environment and sustainability.

2050 manage the following networks:

The Haga Initi­ative is a corporate network that aims at reducing industrial emis­sions and high­lights global warming by demon­strating that ambi­tious climate policies provide business benefits and increased profi­ta­bility. The Haga Initi­ative includes Akzo­Nobel, Axfood, Coca-Cola Enter­prises Sweden, Folksam, Fortum Heat, Green Cargo, HKScan, JM, Lant­männen, Löfbergs, McDonald’s, Stena Recycling and Sveaskog. Learn more at Haga Initi­a­tives website.


Cleantech Öster­götland is a corporate network that contri­butes to increased compe­ti­ti­veness and enhanced business oppor­tu­nities for cleantech companies in Öster­götland. The aim is to develop a worldclass network for cleantech companies where the members are seen as firsthand choices in the trans­for­mation to a sustai­nable planet. In addition, the network strives to increase the general know­ledge of the envi­ron­mental compe­tence in the region and as well as empha­sizing that Öster­götland is a hub for green inno­va­tions. The network has approx­i­mately 60 members working with rene­wable fuels, waste mana­gement, heating and cooling, energy effi­ciency, mana­gement of chemicals and envi­ron­mental consul­tancy. Learn more at Cleantech Öster­göt­lands website.

At 2050 we have the necessary expe­rience to run successful networks, from the first idea to the concrete imple­men­tation and mana­gement of the networks.

We are happy to help you to set up and operate new and already existing networks.

Get in contact with us at or reach out to one of our coworkers. Their contact information is listed under about 2050.

Address for visit


Skeppsbron 32, 3 tr,
111 30 Stockholm


Gjute­ri­gatan 1,
582 73 Linköping


Stor­torget 13B,
SE-211 22 Malmö


Drott­ning­gatan 25,
411 14 Göteborg